Integrated Policy

Fonderie Palmieri Spa, which since 1968 deals with the production of cast iron, has always been conscious that proposing and implementing a competitive model based on the maximum quality and efficiency is an issue of primary importance.

Therefore, it has endeavoured to provide and establish an integrated management system in accordance with the following laws: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018, UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018  and ISO 22163:2023 for the railway sector, and to continuously ensure that its products would be in compliance with the essential requirements of the customers and the applicable laws. Furthermore, it holds in great regard the laws related to health and safety on workplaces.

Hereby it undertakes to constantly achieve:


Compliance with legal requirements and achievement of continuous improvement; the aim shall be reached through the sensitization and involvement of all the personnel that operates on behalf of the company in conformity with the applicable laws with regard to any prerequisits for products quality and safety, environment, energetic, health and safety on workplaces, in order to continuously improve the performances of the Integrated Management System.


The sustainable development and the abatement, over time, of environmental impacts linked to the activity through the commitment to preserve natural resources and to minimize and, if possible, eliminate the negative effects on the environment and the risks associated, thanks to the use of BAT and the implementation of good practices.


The satisfaction of customers and of interested parties through direct involvement of the customers themselves during the design and the development of the castings, the continuous staff training and the search for state-of-the-art materials and technologies, raising awareness among suppliers and sharing good practises, continuously collaborating with Control Units and with the citizenship.


The formation, information, training and awareness through a continuous analysis of the training needs of the resources that work on behalf of Fonderie Palmieri Spa to guarantee compliance with legal requirements for health and safety on workplaces and for environmental issues to raise awareness of personnel for a safer and more sustainable activity.


The continuous analysis of the needs depending on the competences in the creation of the products (growing acquisition of knowledge in the field of metallurgy, of the products, of the production techniques, of the monitoring tests, of the tools, etc.). That means the definition of a structure (organizational chart) that allows to keep under control the performances of the Integrated management system and ensures a continuous improvement.


The collaboration with interested parts through the formation, awareness and creation of partnerships with the suppliers to identify any opportunity to improve environmental performance and health and safety on workplaces.


The design and development of safe and sustainable processes through the analysis of significant environmental aspects, of the risks related to the activity, of the conformity to any laws, of the prevention from pollution, accidents and professional diseases through the optimization of productive processes; evaluating every significant modification to the existing activity both in terms of production and structure.

reduction of energy consumption

Commitment to achieving the expressed goals of reducing energy consumption at the site (measured in toe, tons of oil equivalent).


The efficient use of energy and the reduction of its own activities’ energy consumption and to ensure that the resources assigned to the energy performance improvement, whether human, financial or instrumental, are adequate for the purpose.


A work policy based on objectives and its continuous revision to guarantee its applicability.
The direction therefore commits to reach what described above, through the following instruments:

  • The adoption of adequate resources and tools;
  • The use of risks assessment and environmental issues;
  • Prevention of professional illnesses, injuries and pollution and production defects;
  • Continuous training of internal staff;
  • Systematic monitoring of the needs and of the customers’ satisfaction
  • Distribution of the SGI documentation in any workplace so that it can be accessible by involved personnel;
  • Continuous surveillance of the system by internal audit carried out by properly trained personnel;
  • Periodical review of the SGI, in relation to the objectives defined in the policy, implemented through the review by the Direction

Calenzano, 27/05/2024